lua-sh: calling shell commands as functions

Lua is one of my favourite languages. It’s tiny, it’s fast, it has simple grammar and is very easy to learn.

I also often write shell scripts - from simple one-liners, to bigger ones containing business logic and binding together smaller app components. In fact, this blog is powered by a few shell scripts to generate list of posts, rss xml etc.

I had an experience in the past when Bash script became hard to maintain. Then we moved to Lua, and it was a big relief. Logic became transparent, code became more readable. However, we had to wrap shell command invocations into hand-written functions to make them look nice.

So I made a library that brings the joy of shell scripting into Lua.


Inspired by Python’s sh module, I took the same idea.

Every shell command can be invoked as a Lua function. For example, calling echo hello world in Lua would be echo('Hello', 'world').

To achieve this I added a handler function for the missing table items in the globals table. So if the script called a non-existent command (which is likely to be a shell command wrapper) - my handler function started looking for the requested shell command and returned an appropriate wrapper function.

-- get global metatable
local mt = getmetatable(_G)
if mt == nil then
  mt = {}
  setmetatable(_G, mt)

-- set hook for undefined variables
mt.__index = function(t, cmd)
	return command(cmd)

Then I had to implement the function command(cmd) to return a function, which being invoked would run the actual command with all the arguments.

local function command(cmd)
	return function(...)
		-- it could be like this, if we didn't care about intercepting I/O
		os.execute(cmd, ...)


local date = command('date')
date('--date=2015-09-03', '+%s')

At this point, we shall think about the commands chains (pipelines). Lua by nature is single-threaded and has blocking I/O. Which means you can either read or write at a time, and you can not do both simultaneously.

So to implement a pipeline the output of the previous command should be buffered somewhere, and input should be sent using io.write function. Or the input should be pre-written into some file, and sent to the command using shell ‘<’ redirection, then the output could be read using'*a') function. Both ways seem to be equally good and help to avoid deadlocks.

Here’s much more details about potential pitfalls with popen read/write.

Finally, the return value of the command() function should be a table, and this table should be accepted by the outer command() function (the next one in a pipeline). I decided to pass only command output, exit code and signal inside this “command result” table.

And that’s all we have underneath the Lua sh module. You can see the full implementation of this module to learn more. It’s really tiny, less than 100 lines of sparse code.


First, require the Lua sh module:

local sh = require('sh')

At this point global table hook is already set up, you can start running your shell commands:

print('User:', whoami())
print('Current directory:', pwd())

Here’s how chaining looks like:

-- Bash equivalents:
-- $ ls /bin | wc -l
-- $ ls /usr/bin | wc -l
-- $ (ls /bin; ls /usr/bin) | wc -l
print('Files in /bin:', wc(ls('/bin'), '-l'))
print('Files in /usr/bin:', wc(ls('/usr/bin'), '-l'))
print('files in both /usr/bin and /bin:', wc(ls('/usr/bin'), ls('/bin'), '-l'))

Also, since command output is buffered, you can store it and reuse as many times as needed. I personally find Lua syntax even more readable in this case:

-- Bash equivalents:
-- $ s1=$(echo hello world | sed 's/world/Lua/g')
-- $ s2=$(echo "$s1" | tr '[[:lower:]]' '[[:upper:]]')
local s1 = sed(echo('hello', 'world'), 's/world/Lua/g')
local s2 = tr(s1, '[[:lower:]]', '[[:upper:]]')
print('sed:',    s1)
print('sed+tr:', s2)

You can provide stdin to the commands as a string passing a table with __input key:

s = 'Hello World'
tr({__input=s}, '[[:lower:]]', '[[:upper:]]')

Finally, commands that don’t fit the Lua syntax (like google-chrome or somecommand.bin). Since we already have a function command(cmd) that returns a command wrapper - we can use it, since it’s exported by the module:

local sh = require('sh')
local chrome = sh.command('google-chrome')

As a bonus, you can pre-define some command line arguments as well:

local sh = require('sh')
local dockerbusybox = sh.command('docker', 'run', 'busybox')
dockerbusybox('echo', 'hello')

This is helpful for multi-command binaries, like git, docker, ip or busybox.

Another syntax sugar is named options. You may pass a table instead of variadic arguments, then table keys will be interpreted as option names. Single-letter keys will be used as short options (o becomes -o), longer keys will be used a long options (output becomes --output).

-- $(seq --separator="," -w 0 10)
	separator = ',',
	w = true,
}, 0, 10)


The library is super tiny, much more lightweight comparing to Python’s sh. And of course it lacks lots of functionality that Python’s sh has:

This means the library can still be improved. I haven’t tried it on Windows, but I think it should work with minor modifications. Special mode for loops might be added. Stderr redirection might be added after I ensure that it works in all modern shells (bash, zsh, busybox, ash, mksh, windows cmd.exe etc).

But the library can already be used for most of the scripting needs. I hope it would help someone, and I’m glad to share it under MIT license.

Please, report any issues on github and pull requests are welcome!

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Sep 03, 2015