cucu: a compiler you can understand (1/3)

Let talk about the compilers. Have you ever thought of writing your own one?

I will try to show you how simple it is. The first part will be pretty much theoretical, so keep patience.

what we’re going to achieve?

CUCU is a toy compiler for a toy language. I want it to be as close to ANSI C as possible, so that every valid CUCU program could be compiled with a C compiler without any errors. Of course, the support of the whole ANSI C standard is very difficult, so I picked a very small C language subset.

For example, here’s a valid CUCU code snippet:

int cucu_strlen(char *s) {
	int i = 0;
	while (s[i]) {
		i = i + 1;
	return i;


We’re about to define a grammar for our language. It’s an important step, because everything in our compiler design depends on it.

So, let’s go from top to bottom. Our source file contains a program. What is a program? We know it’s a list of variable declarations, function declarations and function definitions, e.g:

int func(char *s, int len); /* function declaration */
int i;                      /* variable declaration */

int func(char *s, int len) { /* function definition */

Let’s try to write it down in EBNF form (it’s absolutely ok, if you don’t know what EBNF is, it’s really intuitive):

<program> ::= { <var-decl> | <func-decl> | <func-def> } ;

This notation says: “a program is a repeating sequence of variable declarations, function declarations and function definitions. But what is all those declarations and definitions? Ok, let’s go deeper:

<var-decl> ::= <type> <ident> ";"
<func-decl> ::= <type> <ident> "(" <func-args> ")" ";"
<func-def> ::= <type> <ident> "(" <func-args> ")" <func-body>
<func-args> ::= { <type> <ident> "," }
<type> ::= "int" | "char *"

So, variable declaration is simple: it’s a type name followed by the identifier, and followed by a semicolon, like we usually do in C, e.g.:

int i;
char *s;

Function declaration is a bit more complicated. It’s a “type + identifier”, and an optional list of function arguments <func-args> inside the braces.

Function arguments list, in it’s turn, is a sequence of comma-separated “type + identifier”, like:

char *s, int from, int to

Actually, trailing comma in CUCU is still allowed, but not required. It will just simplify our parser code.

The supported data types are only int and char *. Identifier is a sequence of letters, digits and an underscore symbol.

The only thing left is <func-body>. But let’s talk about statements and expressions first.

Statement is a smallest standalone element of the language. Here are valid statements in out language:

/* These are simple statements */
i = 2 + 3; /* assignment statement */
my_func(i); /* function call statement */
return i; /* return statement */

/* These are compound statements */
if (x > 0) { .. } else { .. }
while (x > 0) { .. }

Expression is a smaller part of the statement. As opposed to statements, expressions always return a value. Usually, it’s just the arithmetic. For example in the statement func(x[2], i + j) the expressions are x[2] and i+j.

So, looking back at <func-body>. It’s just a valid statement (which is usually a block statement).

Here’s what we have:

<func-body> ::= <statement>
<statement> ::= "{" { <statement> } "}"                /* block statement */
                | [<type>] <ident> [ "=" <expr> ] ";"  /* assignment */
                | "return" <expr> ";"
                | "if" "(" <expr> ")" <statement> [ "else" <statement> ]
                | "while" "(" <expr> ")" <statement>
                | <expr> ";"

Here are possible expressions in CUCU language:

<expr> ::= <bitwise-expr> 
           | <bitwise-expr> = <expr>
<bitwise-expr> ::= <eq-expr>
                   | <bitwise-expr> & <eq-expr>
                   | <bitwise-expr> | <eq-expr>
<eq-expr> ::= <rel-expr>
              | <eq-expr> == <rel-expr>
              | <eq-expr> != <rel-expr>
<rel-expr> ::= <shift-expr>
               | <rel-expr> < <shift-expr>
<shift-expr> ::= <add-expr>
                 | <shift-expr> << <add-expr>
                 | <shift-expr> >> <add-expr>
<add-expr> ::= <postfix-expr>
               | <add-expr> + <postfix-expr>
               | <add-expr> - <postfix-expr>
<postfix-expr> ::= <prim-expr>
                   | <postfix-expr> [ <expr> ]
                   | <postfix-expr> ( <expr> { "," <expr> } )
<prim-expr> := <number> | <ident> | <string> | "(" <expr> ")"

That’s it. Did you notice the recursion in the expression notation? Basically, the notation above shows us the precedence of the operators from bottom to top: parens and square brackets are evaluated first, and assignment goes the last.

For example, according to this grammar an expression 8>>1+1 will be evaluated to 2 (like in 8>>(1+1)), not to 5 (like in (8>>1)+1), because >> has lower precedence than +.


Now we are done with grammar, and are ready to start. The first thing to do is a lexer. Our compiler takes a stream of bytes as an input, and lexer allows to split that stream into smaller tokens, that can be processed later. It gives us some level of abstraction and simplifies out parser.

For example, a sequence of bytes “int i = 2+31;” will be split into tokens:


In normal grown-up lexers every lexeme (token) has a type and a value, so instead of the list above we will get a list of pairs: <TYPE:int>,<ID:i>, <ASSIGN:=>,<NUM:2>,<PLUS:+>,<NUM:31>,<SEMI:;>. We are going to detect lexeme type by its value, which is not academical at all!

The major problem with the lexer is that once a byte is read from the stream - it can not be “un-read”. And what if we’ve read a byte that can not be added to the current token? Where should we store it until the current token is processed?

Almost every lexer need to read ahead. Our grammar is simple enough, so all we need to have is a single byte buffer - nextc. It stores a byte, that was read from the stream, but has not yet been pushed to the token string.

Also, I need to warn you - I use global variables a lot in CUCU code. I know it’s a bad style, but if I pass all values as function arguments the compiler would loose it’s simplicity.

The whole lexer is just a single function readtok(). The algorithm is simple:

Here’s the whole CUCU sources we’ve got so far:

#include <stdio.h> /* for vpritnf */
#include <stdarg.h> /* for va_list */
#include <stdlib.h> /* for exit() */
#include <ctype.h> /* for isspace, isalpha... */

#define MAXTOKSZ 256
static FILE *f; /* input file */
static char tok[MAXTOKSZ];
static int tokpos;
static int nextc;

void readchr() {
	if (tokpos == MAXTOKSZ - 1) {
		tok[tokpos] = '\0';
		fprintf(stderr, "token too long: %s\n", tok);
	tok[tokpos++] = nextc;
	nextc = fgetc(f);

void readtok() {
	for (;;) {
		while (isspace(nextc)) {
			nextc = fgetc(f);
		tokpos = 0;
		while(isalnum(nextc) || nextc == '_') {
		if (tokpos == 0) {
			while (nextc == '<' || nextc == '=' || nextc == '>'
					|| nextc == '!' || nextc == '&' || nextc == '|') {
		if (tokpos == 0) {
			if (nextc == '\'' || nextc == '"') {
				char c = nextc;
				while (nextc != c) {
			} else if (nextc == '/') {
				if (nextc == '*') {
					nextc = fgetc(f);
					while (nextc != '/') {
						while (nextc != '*') {
							nextc = fgetc(f);
						nextc = fgetc(f);
					nextc = fgetc(f);
			} else if (nextc != EOF) {
	tok[tokpos] = '\0';

int main() {
	f = stdin;
	nextc = fgetc(f);

	for (;;) {
		printf("TOKEN: %s\n", tok);
		if (tok[0] == '\0') break;
	return 0;

If we put a C file as the compiler input - it will print us a list of tokens, one per line.

Ok, have a cup of coffee, and let’s go further →

You can check part3 to know how the story ended.

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Oct 23, 2012