How to sign release apk with gradle
Whenever I prepare my APK for the release - I used to do the following steps:
- Copy keystore to the project directory
- Copy into the project directory with keystore name, alias and password defined
- Copy some code from some blog that would load the properties and set up the signing
- Finally, do
gradle build
But why not to move the boilderplate out of build.gradle?
Helper signing script
I wrote a tiny helper script that can be included into the projects:
def signingProperties = ""
def signingKeys = [
storeFile : {x -> file(x)},
storePassword : {x -> x},
keyAlias : {x -> x},
keyPassword : {x -> x},
// Find in the project root, or in $HOME/.gradle
def f = ["${rootDir}/${signingProperties}", "${gradle.gradleUserHomeDir}/${signingProperties}"].find { file(it).exists() }
if (f) { "Loading signing properties from ${f}"
def props = new Properties()
props.load(new FileInputStream(f))
// For each property apply it to the release signing config
signingKeys.any { k, fn ->
if (!props.containsKey(k)) {
logger.error "Missing property ${k}"
android.buildTypes.release.signingConfig = null
return true
android.signingConfigs.release[k] = fn(props[k]);
} else { "Missing ${signingProperties} file"
android.buildTypes.release.signingConfig = null
It scans for the signing.propeties file in the project directory and in the gradle home directory, then it parses the properties and configures the build.
Now I do the following.
Create in my $HOME/.gradle (once for all projects):
Put my.keystore into $HOME/.gradle (once for all projects).
Edit build.gradle to use release singing config (most likely it is already done did it the app has been signed in the past):
android {
signingConfigs {
buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.release
Finally, I include the script above. I simply use the github link:
apply from: ''
Done. One ‘apply from’ line and signing just works.
You may try it, too. Sources are available on github, so please file an issue or a pull request if something it not working.
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Aug 09, 2015
See also: Buck - life is too short to spend a minute for each build and more.